(I went through all the summer songs I could think of, but this one stuck with me as truly a Sommer song)
All right y'all.
It's mid-July. The weather gets hot, sticky, humid (and sometimes all three at once). It's summertime and it's all about having fun, swimming (skinny-dipping?), sitting on the deck with a cold brew, some good tunes and amazing friends, and enjoying the sunshine, the late sunsets and the starry nights.
It's also time to relax and catch up on some good reading. Now that don't necessarily mean Game of Thrones (no offence to George RR Martin - I'm mid book one myself). It could be quick, light, fun and sexy. Which, to be honest, in the summer, it's what I prefer. I like to leave the heavy stuff for long winter nights, with a fireplace and a hot toddy. (Winter is coming....right?)
And no one does light, fun, quick and sexy better than the group of authors who've put together Summer Loving. Spearheaded by Tasmin Flowers, and pushed along and edited by - who else? - Alison Tyler, this particular collection was put together to help our favourite season, Sommer Marsden.
A quick re-cap on how this came about. Our lovely Sommer, who does so much for other people and barely anything for herself, got poleaxed by some incredibly bad news last year. To her credit, she's been as much of a rock as anyone could be in this situation. But like all bad news, it comes with financial issues. I wrote a bit about Sommer's trials and tribulations here.
As Sommer has done before for others, Tasmin thought we will now do for her. So she got together with Alison, and together they put the call out to the erotica community for submissions for a special anthology. All proceeds, and I do mean ALL, go towards helping Sommer's family. All stories have been donated by the amazing authors.
Admittedly, I procrastinated. It wasn't that I didn't want to contribute, it's that I was completely swamped and caught up in real life drama. Alison, in her generous way, asked me to contribute by penning the foreword. I was - and am - honoured to be able to be a small part of this project. And the foreword? Man, I'll NEVER be asked to do one of those again. I almost cried.
So, fast forward a year and a bit, and here we are. Summer Loving is now out as an e-book, and ready to be purchased, read and enjoyed. And right now, it's on sale. A whole $0.69! Can you believe that?
If you're looking for the table of contents, check out Alison's post here.
And check out this cover! Is that totally retro sexy or what? The amazingly talented Willsin Rowe was the genius behind it.
So tell your friends - hell, be nice and buy them a copy for their e-reader. You'll be doing a good deed and getting some good reading in.
At the time of year when it's steamy and sticky, this won't cool you down, but it'll make you sweat in a good way.
It's not just up on all romance ebooks. It's also available in the following locations:
- Amazon US Kindle
- Amazon US Paperback (for those without an e-reader or for those who just love hard copies)
- Amazon UK (for those visiting from overseas)
- Smashwords