Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Calling all UK Smutters! Smutluton 2015 is approaching

Posting for my friend Victoria Blisse and the lovely people who are planning this incredible event in Bedforshire (lol - it even has BED in it). Hopefully y'all can check it out - and send me a postcard. ;)

Smut Luton 7th March 2015

The Hat factory, Luton will host the first smut event of 2015 sponsored by House of Erotica. Smut Events are fun, safe, inclusive days out when erotica and erotic romance readers and writers get together to socialize, exchange ideas and inspire one another.

The theme for Luton is Kinkification. We’ll be adding a little kink to your life with some great workshops, demonstrations and performances. Not to mention the book stall where you can pick up some sexy reading material and the erotic raffle where you’ll be able to win prizes from , and a special something from Smut UK.

Charlie J Forrest will be showing off some rope tricks and answering your questions on getting your lover all tied up, Zak Jane Keir will be talking about taking your hobbies and giving them a naughty spin for your erotic writing and sexy play and Victoria Blisse will be exploring all the senses and how they can heighten your sexual arousal on the page and in the bedroom.

We’ve got readings from Lucy Felthouse, Jennifer Denys, Charlotte Howard, Bella Settara, Charlie J Forrest, Meg Philip, Anna Sky, Cara Sutra and Victoria Blisse that are sure to tempt and tease.

Pick up your tickets at and join the facebook event to keep up with all the event news.

Monday, January 5, 2015

WELCOME TO A NEW ...something anyway.

Ok, so it IS 2015. And it IS the time of year where we all say that we're going to be good to ourselves - it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new LIIIIIFFFEEE...

*sheepish grin* Sorry for the shattered windows.

Anyway, you get what I mean. Everyone's resolutions usually involve eating healthier (check), working out more (check), getting more done as far as work goes (check), etc. etc. etc.

Every year, for the last twenty, I've been setting (and failing at) the same damn goals: lose weight, be healthier, have more fun, save more money.


This year, I didn't make those resolutions. This year, I made one resolution: to do one thing per day, better than the day before, that will bring me closer to my goals. Whether it's eating a healthier meal than I did the day before, or doing one more load of laundry that wouldn't have gotten done, or writing that next chapter. Just one small thing to make my life better, and as a result, the lives better of those around me. Because a better life for me, means a happier me, which means happier people around me. And I'm not going to beat myself up if I fail at it one day.

Make sense? I hope so.

Baby steps, as one of my besties is fond of reminding me.

So, for you, my friends and readers, I wish you successful baby steps. And let's make 2015 the year we knock that shit out of the park.

X's and O's to my hotties and heaux.