That's right - next round of Alison Tyler's Smut Marathon has hit the ballot! (What round are we on anyway? I'm losing track of things so easily lately).
This assignment was a free-for-all. Sort of.
A story. A short, smutty, sexy story - with only 500 little words.
And as I've stated in several of her challenges - it's a hard thing to do, to tell a complete story in 500 words. They come - and go - so fast it's like a blink. (DON'T BLINK!)
And speaking of quick - my time is up on the blogger-verse for the moment. Work demands are getting in the way.
But I wanted to direct y'all to go on over and VOTE VOTE VOTE.
As usual, it's all anonymous. But really, with entries like this - everyone is a winner.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 10:09 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, GO VOTE, project smutway, smut marathon, Smut-A-Thon 2013, time to vote
Thursday, August 15, 2013
No Holds "Barred"....
She's heeeeere! She's here!
How's my hair? Is my lipstick smudged? Did I put out enough wine?
(Ok, just breathe. Everything is fine.)
Why the fuss? you ask. Why are there throw pillows on the floor, 80's tunes in the background, and all that tequila?
Didn't you see the title today?
We have a very, VERY special guest.
Well, you know I've been bragging on her and pimping her out and playing with her for YEARS now. And finally, she's come to visit. So of course, everything has to be perfect.
Hotties & heaux, pour yourself a drink, whether a shot or two or a glass of merlot, kick off those stilettos and get comfy.
Here to talk about ... bars and their affect on her writing, is the literary siren herself, our very own Trollop with a Laptop, and the very reason so many of us are even published in this genre,
***AND, kidlets, if you haven't kinked up your Kindle with a copy of Banging Rebecca yet, hop over to Amazon and grab one. Not only will you get a sexy short, you'll help this lovely lady hit her 50,000 goal. So GO. Now. ***

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 8:06 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, Banging Rebecca, bars, guest blogging, No Holds Barred
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Waiting Game
It's vicious, I know.
I have a post for you - I swear I do. But as I went to add what I needed from my email this morning - outlook crapped out on me.
Yes, I know - a pain in the ass. But crap out it did. So I currently cannot access it.
So, instead, I'm going to give you a brief run-down of what's going on in my life.
I went on a wonderful cruise with my family - we docked in Grand Turks, La Romana, Curacao and Aruba. I'd never been on a cruise before, so it was an amazing new experience for me.
That was a month ago. I'm STILL sick. Not so much hacking and coughing, that's mostly gone. But I think the congestion has joined forces with my allergies to make sure I don't have a peaceful night's sleep. It sucks.
I've also started working out with a personal trainer. I hate her. But apparently, from what I hear, she's not doing her job if I don't, so....
AND starting September 10, I'm going back to school to continue my studies in Publishing.
WHEW. A lot going on.
The saddest event of my summer (so far, and please let it be this and nothing more), was having to put down my baby girl. That's her below.
She was fifteen. She was born in my garage two weeks before my wedding. I helped deliver her. She was the runt of the litter, not expected to survive.
Last weekend, she got into a fight with a raccoon (we can only assume). It chomped on her ass-end pretty good, and fractured her lower spine. Combine that with health issues that come with old age - emphysema, renal failure, seizures - and we knew it was her time to go.
She had a great run of it. She was never a cuddly cat, but she gave love in her own little ways.
*shakes head*
Anyway, so that's been my summer, in a thousand words or less (ok maybe fifteen hundred).
But coming up next - have I got an entry for you....and a very special guest.
And as one of my fave celebrity chefs (and girl crush) Nadia G says, "A la prossima!"

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 10:37 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with life is hectic, the waiting game, tick tick tick
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Just call me Madame Angell...
I was thinking Pimp Daddy, but I've got breasteses and Pimp mama just sounds...wrong. So Madame Angell it is.
The titillating tone of a transcendent tale.
In the first lines of Banging Rebecca, Alison Tyler successfully transforms even the stodgiest of readers into the most willing of groupies. The character of Rebecca could have been me, in another lifetime. This is every fantasy, every x rated dream, every scenario (and then some) that's brought me to my knees over the last twenty years.
Written in a language that's simple, and yet all her own, Alison brings us into the world of rock and roll with few words, images that cause you to sweat inside, and a desire for the life that eludes the majority of us.
This has to be the hottest of the hot produced so far by Ms. A.
Trust me, they'll thank you.

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 3:17 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with 50000 copies, Alison Tyler, Banging Rebecca, pimping ain't easy