This has nothing to do with sex. But I need to rant somewhere, and by the little page views I get, unless I'm pimping out Sommer or Alison, this seems the safest place. This is about being positive, sort of.
These days, whenever anyone gets lousy customer service, the first instinct is to complain. After all, how can the company improve if they don't know where they're going wrong, right? And there's always the chance that the complainer will get something for free - which, let's be honest, is the main goal in today's society. But there's also the chance that someone could lose their job over that complaint. We're all human, we have bad days.
But it is a rare occasion to be sure, that someone sends management a letter, or makes a phone call, with a compliment if something is done right. If you're in a store and a clerk goes out of their way to find something in the back for you, or if you're in a restaurant and your server makes absolutely certain that there's no onions in your dish, because of an allergy or an aversion, or if they give your kids extra chocolate sauce on their sundae, their management should know about it.
Or when you bring your children to an event, and the usher points out something that the kids would love, and might otherwise miss with everything else going on.
Those people need to be commended. Yes, it's their job, but it's the attention to detail, it's the way they do their job, that needs to be known. Their supervisors, the venue - they need to know that these people aren't just phoning it in. It could actually make the difference in them keeping their jobs at contract renewal time. Not everyone is unionized. Third party contractors, such as those at a hockey arena, rely on contracts. And while it's most always a money issue, sometimes if the venue management knows what a great job their ushers, security, or food and beverage cashiers are doing, they might just re-consider the money.
This is currently happening to me. One of my other jobs, in my "non-writing" life is that of a security guard. And we work at one of the city's hockey venues. I've been there for ten years. So have two of my supervisors and a lot of our guards and ushers have been there three years or longer. We are not paid amazing money, by any stretch of today's standards. But we don't do it for the money. We do it for the fans. For the building. For the friends that we have chosen as family.
The building owners preach the importance of teamwork, and tell us that the whole building is one big family. That our fans are a part of that and we have to give them a family experience. But my company is third party. In this "family" we're the fifth-cousin-on-Aunt-Cindy's-husbands-side-twice-removed. In other words, we're not a consideration. But we are the only ones who will not throw each other under the bus to get ahead. We are the only department in that venue that has each other's backs - and everyone else's. There isn't one department that we don't help out. We cover up and deal with mistakes from every department, from sales to game crew to food and beverage. And yet, when there's a screw up, security is the first department to get thrown under that bus. Whether we're implementing building protocol and following their rules, it doesn't matter. As soon as there's a complaint, it's automatically shoved on us.
And we take it with a smile. We put up with abuse and accusations, and we have no champion on the corporate side. But for eight years under the current owners, we've persevered. We've worked ourselves to death every November for ten days straight to pull off the annual event there without a hitch.
We go above and beyond for our fans, not for recognition, but because it's what we love to do. The season ticket holders are considered family. We do so much more for them because we love to see them smile. Even if people are only there for one game, it is our mission to make sure they get the most possible enjoyment out of it. Whether it's showing the kids the best spot to stand to get high fives from the players, or bringing a kid across to sit on the zamboni so his dad can get a picture of it, to see the smiles on their faces is such a joy. And it's not like it's in our job description to do it either.
And when sales crams us with double the maximum amount of kids for our fans tunnels (despite knowing what the max IS), so much so that it becomes a safety issue, we smile and deal. When they double book a zamboni ride and don't tell us, we smile and deal. When they misdirect the post-game rental to one side of the arena instead of the other, we smile and deal.
Because we love our jobs. We love the building. For some of us, the start of hockey season means coming home.
Now, at the end of the month, we're losing our home. Another company is coming in. And I know that this is the type of things that happen. But if just one person per game in the last eight years had sent head office a complement, a little note saying "So and so, our usher, made the game amazing for us." Or "So and so in security made us feel right at home by doing this...", maybe we wouldn't be losing it.
Now, we don't have another contract where our ushers can work at, so chances are we won't be seeing them again. One of my supervisors, who has been like a second dad to me, this was the only building he ran, so I doubt we'll be seeing him. And with the rest of us scattered across the city, the odds of us seeing each other with such frequency as we do now, are a thousand to one.
And the fans that we work with? We can kiss that part of the family good-bye. I've been crying over this for a month now. And as the days tick down to our final event, my heart breaks every time I walk into that building. I know all good things must come to an end, but we've put our hearts and souls into that building, where the rest of the departments just do it for a paycheck.
So the next time someone goes above and beyond to make your experience, whether it's eating, shopping, or at an event, a better one, do them a favor. Acknowledge it with their management. Let them know what an awesome job that person did.
You'll never know the difference it will make.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Making a difference...

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 10:16 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with above and beyond, complements, job security, making a difference, positivity, sharing the love
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
It's what I feel I'm trapped in these days. Just when I think I've got everything under control ....BOOM! I make a wrong step and everything's back in disarray.
I know that I'm often writing these posts about how disorganized my life is. But it's so true. I guess I keep thinking that if I write about it enough, magically I'll gain the super powers to become super organized. Fat chance of that, but hey! Worth a shot.
So, at this time, work is out of control on both job fronts. At one, I feel like I'm babysitting a bunch of infants, and at the other, it feels like the walls are falling down on top of us, and no matter how hard we try to keep them up, it's no use.
My writing space, which I was so proud of when I got it finished, has become the "pile of clothing" space. And it seems like that pile is never ending, no matter how many times I go through it and put things in their proper place. So it's a little tough to concentrate when a simple glance around the room shows too much left still to do.
I'm attempting (still) a lifestyle change, which means learning how to cook good food, not just getting take out. Plus gym time, not just with the trainer. Finding the energy to get off the highway after work and turn right (to go to the gym) as opposed to turning left (to go home) is exhausting on it's own.
School is another thing altogether. I'm almost finished my certificate program. Just two classes left (I think - I do have to double check that). But the one I'm in now is just - meh. My instructors are great and the other students are nice and we have fun. But I need a great grade to keep up my GPA, and I'm not sure I'm going to get it. O_O
And then there's my writing list to do:
- I owe Alison Tyler about fifteen reviews (for what I can't remember which is really driving me bat shit)
- I owe Sommer Marsden about the same amount (GAH!)
- I have deadlines for calls that I want to sub for, but those keep creeping up on me and then passing me by altogether
- my own project that I wanted to get off the ground is still lying there, flat, after being run-over by the out of control bus that is my life
- I'm sure there's a few other authors I owe reviews to. I know my Kindle and iBook apps are full of stuff still to be read - and that's NOT including A Game of Thrones, which, thanks to my brother, I am now addicted to.
AND, the lastest, biggest thing New York City trip in June. Best friend of 33 years and I have been planning this for the last eight months. We're going for our 40th bdays - hers is in June, mine's in July. We planned it for June (her birthday) because that's when the Tony Awards are going to be (and Hugh's hosting again - NOM NOM NOM). And to go to the Tony's would be, well, a dream come true. Both of us had dreams of being on Broadway when we were younger. So I've been planning, and looking at hotels, and stressing over what if we DON'T get the tickets. Because there are very few being sold to the public. They go on sale April 30, and if we don't get them, I'll be so disappointed. We've already booked our flights. I'm spending a whole week down there, she could only get four days- but one of them is her birthday! We've got tickets to see the incredible Idina Menzel and Anthony Rapp in a hot new musical called If/Then.
after we booked the flights, Travel Broadway Across America sends out an email that has a whole Tony weekend package, INCLUDING Tony Award tickets. And wouldn't you know it - we've already booked our flights and I can't get an answer from the BAA people as to whether or not we could possibly make adjustments to the package. Even if we wanted the package, it's only for three nights and I plan on spending the whole week in the Big Apple.
Can you understand why I feel stressed?
ANYWAY, if you've read this far, thank you. I appreciate it. And while you're here, I'm going to direct you to Sommer Marsden's Ninth Writer-versary! A whole month with guest bloggers and prizes to be won! You must comment on the day's blog to win that prize, but every comment puts your name in the fishbowl for a grand prize! And her guests are so crazy and fun, it's been an amazing party. I can guarantee you'll not only find some amazing new authors for your bookshelf, but you'll be immediately adding some of the featured books to your TBR (to be read for those who are new) list. Follow the link to Day one and go from there!

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 11:35 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, Anthony Rapp, Broadway Across America, disorganized, Hugh Jackman, Idina Menzel, If/Then the Musical, New York City, Ninth writerversary, Sommer Marsden, Tony Awards, Travel Broadway Across America