Excerpt from untitled WIP:
I kissed him goodbye, took a deep breath, and went ahead, so he wouldn’t see the tears in my eyes.
I kissed him goodbye, took a deep breath, and went ahead, so he wouldn’t see the tears in my eyes.
I preceded him out of the room, heard him walk away, with no
more words to say.
I couldn’t watch as he parted the curtain and walked out of
my life. Those brief moments spent together were some of the most exciting I’d
ever experienced, and my heart broke to think that I would never see him again.
He lived the life I wished I could. No strings, no
responsibilities except for himself. On days when life gets too rough, I know
I’ll spend time wishing I could be that lucky, wishing I was with him.
He touched my life in the way he touched my body: with
passion, flair, laughter and spontaneity. In the 24 hour period we were
acquainted, I’d been more relaxed in my skin than I have been in 20 years. I
found myself moving more freely, laughing with abandon, flirting with not a
care in the world. I danced, I sang, I loved. I was free from all chains, all
In 24 hours, I managed to fall in love; not with a man
(completely, the jury is still out on that, as fucked as that sounds), but with
life and it’s possibilities. Yes, he was
the catalyst for that. I knew it wouldn’t last, it couldn’t last, and I didn’t
let myself think about it, because I know I’ll never feel that free again.
He made me long, he made me want, in ways I haven’t for a
long time. He made me bleed love and life, and then injected me with it just as
quickly as a junkie shoots heroine. He himself is a drug – quick acting, and
just as addictive.
And just as painful to quit. Because I’m sure I will never
see him again.
Do I regret our short acquaintance? Never. This was a time
to live with no doubt, and no lies. It was the most honest I’ve ever been with
someone, with the people around me. No reason to hold back, no reason to
I will never claim to know him in any way. We barely spoke
of anything of any importance. We barely knew each others names.
And even as my name and face fade from his memory the
further away he gets, his will never fade from mine.
As Prince wrote – life is just a party, and parties aren’t
meant to last.
Neither were we.
I hope to see him again. I hope that it’s before I’m too old
to enjoy another night like the one we had. I hope, at some point, he looks
back and remembers, even vaguely, our night, and it makes him smile.
Because I’ll never forget.
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