Contestants - start your fingers. :P
Round two of Project Smutway is up over at Alison's blog.
HOWEVER...this time, the identities are a secret.
So, while I cannot publicly reveal which story is mine, I would appreciate it if you popped on over to her blog and voted for whichever one is your favourite.
And for my hoochies, hotties & heaux, if you've been reading my can tell which one is mine.
Project Smutway
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
DING DING - Round Two...

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 11:28 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, project smutway, shhhh it's a secret - i'll never tell
Monday, June 28, 2010
Getting to know you.....
Or in this case, ME.
Lux Zakari, interviewer extraordinaire and fellow 'Ville author, was sweet to ask me a few questions.
Want to know more?
Follow your nose (so to speak)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bending Genders
I stood back, watching the vision before me primp before the full-length mirror. Long black hair twisted up in an elegant curl. My eyes followed graceful hands as they smoothed a satin gown down the lithe body I knew as well as my own. My cock throbbed, under the uncomfortable briefs. If this banquet wasn’t black tie, I’d have gone commando.
Caught staring, a lusty smile curled my lips. “Baby, you look so fucking hot. ” My hands grasped svelte hips. I kissed the soft skin that had been taunting me all day. “I really want to fuck that ass.” A sultry laugh caused a shiver down my back.
“Come on. Feel that.” I thrust against the object of my desire, my cock fitting right in the crack. A soft moan echoed. My trousers and briefs were puddled around my feet in record time. Fisting my hard on, I reached for the lube, the bottle squelching as I pumped some across my shaft. I used my free hand to part those perfect cheeks. I aimed at the puckered hole, moaning as the tight tunnel closed around me. After a few slow thrusts, I pumped in hard and fast, breathless gasps escaping us both. I knew it would be a quick one, and groaned as I shot my load. Pulling out, I used my briefs to clean myself. Then reached around the front of that smooth satin dress, grasping his hard rod beneath it.
“Later tonight, you can be the man.”

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 7:51 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, erotic fiction, original fiction, project smutway, smut marathon
Friday, June 18, 2010
Pulled out of the Black Hole in my brain....
I TOTALLY forgot to post about this back in February. I'm such a schmuck!
Anyway, Alison informed all Frenzy writers back in Feb that we had been picked up by a university to be used in their Fundamentals of Creative Writing course!
Here's the post
A College Text!
Ok, how seriously cool is that? It's being used at Binghamton University. I'm still trying to get a copy of their curriculum or reading list just to see that on there. Personally I'm seriously jazzed that something I wrote is gonna learn kids on how to write properly. hehehe.
And speaking of Frenzy - guess what's #3 on Amazons erotic Anthologies list? YAH BABY. Check it.
Ok so the quality isn't the best lol. I'm still learning how to do this stuff.
I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I'm working diligently on some editing for a friend, editing an older story for submission and of course, there's Ms. Tylers round two of Project Smutway.
I do promise to have something up soon though.

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 1:43 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Frenzy, I'm considered education, University
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Project Smutway Has Begun!
Hey there to all my hoochies, hotties and heaux!
A few months ago, our lovely Trollop A.T. (yes that's Alison Tyler for you newbies) decided that she wanted to host the mother of all competitions. Inspired by Project Runway, she decided to do her own twist - and Project Smutway was born.
There are fifteen writers participating in this far-from-reality show. I'm totally stoked to be in the company of some incredibly imaginative people.
And today marks the first day of voting!
My story - Bending Genders - is my first entry. I've read the others, and it's going to be a CLOSE one this time around - I can feel it. So, like American Idol - it comes down to votes.
Pop on over and check it out. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell your lover. Hell, tell your mailman. Read some amazing stories, try some new positions, and spark your imagination. And PLEASE, don't forget to vote! (Even if it's not for me - I want y'all to go with who's truly this best on this - otherwise it's hardly fair now, is it?)
Alison Tyler's Smut Marathon
NOTE: I had to change the url above to Alison's Trollop blog because I just discovered that the Project Smutway blog is by invite only. But you can still read and vote there!
So what are y'all waiting for??? LOL.
The poll is open until Friday at midnight. (I think that`s PST as the lovely Alison resides in Californ-I-A)
Good luck to my fellow scribes and let the SMUT begin!

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 11:07 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, May Deva, smut marathon, Willsin Rowe