darkness falls before my eyes
and brings the cold, black night
I should shiver with loneliness
but my body is warm
from the memory of your touch
the press of your lips
the whisper of your words
I should be empty
but my heart is full
from the memory of your smile
the heat from your body
the desire in your gaze
and I revel in the warmth
that these memories bring
keeping me from freezing
in my numb existence
and when the darkness fades
and the morning light appears
I look forward to the time
when these moonlit memories
aren't just memories
when they will be my
day time reality
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Seducing a Cancer Woman 101 - Take this class!
I follow lots of sexy people on twitter. A few are our fellow smut mongers, a few are famous for other reasons, and a lot are my very hawt & sexay personal pals.
One I've recently started following is the Sexstrology Blog. They have a list of How To's when it comes to seducing your chosen male/female astrological sign.
I thought for shits and giggles, I'd check out if mine is accurate. So I've reprinted it here (linked to them as well) with my thoughts included. When you're done laughing at this, head on over and check out your own.
Sexstrology Blog: How to Seduce A Cancer Woman
A Cancer woman is very cut and dry; you can take them or leave them. That being said, it does not mean she is void of passion or emotion. It is quite the contrary. She may just as well be too passionate and emotional. She feels her way through life’s decisions and does not look back (ummm - I'm ALWAYS looking back - in regret mostly). So in order to seduce her, she needs to be in the mood (this is true - sort of. If he has his mind on seducing me, it's easy to get past my defenses). If she is in no mood to date, you won’t get to even knock on her door.
So how do you get your Cancer woman in the mood? Be direct with your intent. She wants a partner who is not needy or greedy (well, it's nice to be needed...and greedy can be fun once in awhile). For all her shyness (HA!) and general reserve (*giggle*), she admires and appreciates a partner who is confident and forthcoming (nothing sexier than confidence that's for sure). If you are less than that and she finds out, you are cut off completely and irrevocably (actually I tend to waver on this one). Once a Cancer woman decides to have a partner in their life, whether it is a booty call situation or a relationship, they take it seriously (well this is definitely true). They like parameters and would rather not have them changed without being mutually agreed upon.
She will have no problem leaving you behind (REALLY? Ok maybe in one or two special circumstances but usually not this Cancer - no one gets left behind - I'm kind of like the military that way). It sounds harsh and it is but for all that coldness (I'm only cold when I'm pissed and then I normally regret words or actions - in fact I'm accused of being too soft sometimes), they have a burning desire (let's pluralize that please - desires). Cancer women are romantics (YEP YEP YEP YEP YEP - can't agree on this one enough). Once you get past their crab shell exterior, their interior is a sweet inferno. They love romance and eroticism. She wants to be adored, loved and cared for (well DUH, you forgot worshipped...lol). If you are looking for more than just a “friends with benefits” relationship then do everything you can to appeal to her emotional side (pssssst - it's not that hard). On your dates she needs to feel as if you see nothing but her. She needs to be secure in knowing that when she is with you, there is nowhere else you would rather be (take special note of that word). Slipping in a few white lilies or roses as you are dating will always gain you their favor. Trust me; you want to gain their favor.
Cancer women are about the thought behind the action rather than the action itself (uh-huh for sure). You happen to have purchased a silver bracelet with moons on because she mentioned her natural affinity towards the celestial object. You have shown her you paid attention to what she says (SUCH a turn on - not the moons - the listening and paying attention). You leave her a good morning note on her car after a date, and it shows you think about her (swoon). You surprise her with a candlelight dinner at your place and she will know you want her to get comfortable because you are not going anywhere (big big big big points - big time). The effort will have gained her trust and make her want to be with you more.
She has a somewhat traditional view of dating. She would love to be properly courted (never happen). Though do not be surprised if she makes you chase her time and time again (well where's the fun in giving up right away?). It is how she weeds out the jerks and losers from the keepers. They get fed up and leave. A Cancer woman looks at each potential suitor as a potential partner, a permanent partner. No, she does not expect you to immediately marry her but she would like to know that if she wanted to you would (careful - the M word scares people).
She will not expect you to want to marry her so soon in your relationship but you just might find yourself wanting to. Once you gain the affections of a Cancer woman you may not want to leave. They have a both a domestic (k - those who know me NO LAUGHING) and maternal streak. No, she will not mother you but you will never have to want for anything at home. She will take care of the things you both need and you will wonder how you ever made it without her. Sometimes it is at this point where things go wrong for the Cancer woman.
They are so supportive that some are taken advantage (SING IT SISTER). As she slowly lets you in, you will see why those walls were up in the first place. Those who have taken advantage of her have scarred her deeply. The wounds may heal but with a Cancer but those scars never fade. This is why it is important to understand her. It sometimes seems as if she is making you pay for someone else's indiscretions but that isn’t the case. She has it in her head that the only person who will protect her is herself (and hence why I get argumentative and bitchy).
So yes, a Cancer woman is a little bit of work but once you have her it is worth it. Her passion rivals that of her Cardinal cousin Aries. She can be spontaneous and exciting (well, I don't like to brag...). She would love deep and erotic love making sessions with kisses that make her head spin (YES YES YES!). Cancer women are fiercely loyal.
Do not let harsh reality of her life deter you from wanting to be a part of it (honestly it's a lot of fun despite the drama). She is certainly not letting it hold her back. She continues to move forward and wants someone to move forward with her. Give her a chance; understand her idiosyncrasies and you will be rewarded. You will have an amazing woman that will give you a life full of content and satisfaction. She will give you a relationship that is as exciting as it is stable. (*blush* well I try....) You will know a passion that could felt deep down in your bones and you will never forget how loved you are (I'll tell you every day and it might get annoying). So go ahead and crack open her shell then enjoy all the sweetness she has inside.
Well, it's not me to a T - but hell, many points are REALLY close.
Check yours out - how close are you?

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 11:36 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with astrological sign Cancer, sexual horoscope
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Round Nine is in the books!
I can't believe it. No, I really can't. I'm being serious.
Well, I have NO idea how it happened (because I didn't even vote for myself), but I managed to actually win Round Nine of Alison Tylers Smutathon. I had some serious competition in this, from the lovely scribes May Deva, Joss Lockwood, Emma Hillman, and Dorla Moorehouse.The two winners (one chosen by the readers, and one chosen by special guest judge Lucy Felthouse of Erotica For All) are to be posted on the Erotica For All website shortly. Can you believe it? I'm squeee-ing on the inside.
The assignment was to find a picture that inspires you - and write 3,ooo words on it. Yep, you read that right - 3,000. My picture was taken by a very good friend of mine during the recent lunar eclipse. So, I give you to you...
He answered on the first ring. “Why aren’t you on your way here?” Her heart raced at the sound of his voice. They were new - THIS was new. She’d never had her heart race like this before, not from the sound of someone’s voice.
“I’m sorry. You were right. I should have listened. The car...” her voice broke and trailed off, and she shot back the rest of her drink. A sob hitched in her throat. She heard him sigh.
“Ali, relax. The belt went, didn’t it?” She nodded even though she knew he couldn’t see her. She bit her lip, fighting back the tears. Tonight was supposed to be their night - their first time. By now she should be racing along the highway to his place, where he would have gotten the living room ready.
She could see the preparations in her mind - the fire burning red hot, the polar fleece blanket she gave him spread in the middle of the rug, with fluffy pillows spread out all over. The moon would be shining through his picture window, full, romantic. SIGH. He would have opened the wine, two glasses poured and waiting on the coffee table. She had the strawberries and chocolate in her car, all ready to go.
“Mm hmm.” Her hand slid down the side of her face, fingertips feeling their way across her cheekbone to the edge of her mouth. His voice continued to lull her. “Those beautiful lips. One kiss will take my breath away. Kiss me Ali. Make me breathless.” Her lips parted as her tongue peeked out, moving from memory. Her neck arched up, as if he were laying there, waiting.
Her hands shook as they moved through the rivulet of wine down her body. “Move further down. My...my pussy is so wet, and not just from the wine.”
“Good girl.” He murmured. “Are you hot?”
“Mmm-hmm. And so wet.” Brent’s cock shot to full hardness and length again. Fuck this – it was time he got in on the game. “Baby, I’m so hard for you. Can you feel it? Pressed against your thigh?” He removed his boxers, his cock cooling in the night air. He lay back down on the blanket, reclining against the pillows, the moon in his view as he gently ran his hand around the head. A drop of pre-cum stuck to his palm, leaving a trailing string as he pulled away.
“Brent. The moon...”
Ali’s finger penetrated her hole. A moan escaped her lips as her muscles clenched around the invasion. “So. Hot.” She managed to get the words out.
Ali didn’t hesitate. She plunged her fingers into her mouth, sucking off her juices. “I’m sweet, and a little salty.” He moaned, not having had the pleasure of tasting her himself just yet. “I can’t wait to find out. Since I can’t tonight, let’s make it a little more enjoyable for you. Take the biggest strawberry you can find. Get one that’s longer than the rest.”
His voice seductive, he gave her more instructions. “Take a bite. Is it sweet?” He knew she loved strawberries. “Yes.” His hand stilled on his cock, which felt ready to explode at any minute. He knew that if he kept stroking, he wouldn’t last too much longer, and tonight wasn’t a race.
“Now rub it up and down your lips honey. And I’m not talking about that gorgeous mouth.” Ali’s hand moved slowly, relishing in the exotic feeling of the fruit on her clit. “Are you done?”
“Uh huh.”
“Mmm oh Brent.” She cooed his name. “I taste so good – so sweet, so ... delicious.” He groaned again. She was playing now. She was done being the playee and wanted to jump into the game. He could hear her take a slurp from her glass. “And it mixes so well with the wine.” His movements got more frantic.
As the last sliver of the pale moon disappeared behind the shadow, and the moon turned red, he felt his own load coming up. “Come for me Ali. Come with me Ali.”

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 12:18 PM 7 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, Dorla Moorehouse, Emma Hillman, erotic fiction, Erotica for All, Joss Lockwood, May Deva, original fiction, project smutway, smut marathon, winner