Well, it's not like I get a lot of readers here, but the ladies over at Lust Bites are doing a sort of getting to know you day, and I figured I'd post my answers here too.
I will read ANYTHING you put in front of me - and as cliche as it sounds, I've been known to read ceral boxes if nothing else is available. I've been writing since I was old enough to string sentences together. Short stories, poetry, song lyrics, screenplays, editorials....you name it, I've written it. I write reviews and recaps for an online website called The-Trades.com. I've been writing erotic fiction for about ten years now. In all these forms, I have never had anything published. Hopefully, that will change soon.
Favourite Author: Too many to count.
Favourite Movie: Casablanca - they don't make men like Bogey anymore.....
Religion: Raised Catholic, but still searching...
Things that make me wet: Intelligence. Expressive eyes. Nice biceps. Great smiles. Wit. Deep, long kisses that make you feel like you’re blissfully drowning ( borrowed from the lovely Anne Tourney because it's deadly accurate and just true). Gorgeous singing voices. Maroon Five. Dirty words (on paper or whispered to me in delicious tones). Kisses on the nape of my neck. And a few more things, but I'm at work and if I get any more turned on I'm going to have a problem - so I'll add to that later.
Would like to fuck: There's just too many to list. But the top ten: Ewan McGregor, Angelina Jolie, Ricky Phillips, Thorsten Kaye, Yvan Pedenault (stage star from Toronto www.yvanpedenault.com), Elvis (in 56), Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Gwen Stefani, and Lawrence Gowan (and yes Dayle, that is in no particular order). Other than that, the word NOW comes to mind.
Passions other than writing or sex: Styx, eating good food, reading, music, singing, theatre, dancing, chocolate, MEN, meeting new people
Drink: Senor Cuervo Gold, naked
Philosophy of Life: It's too damn short to play by the rules
Major Character flaw: I love men. One just isn't enough for this gal - but I got married anyway.
Favourite sex toy: ones that don't expect me to make them breakfast
Secret for overcoming writers block: wish I had one - I wouldn't be suffering from it right now.
These are just some of my secrets. Maybe I'll do some more another day.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Being Chase(d)
Angie felt his eyes on her, as she wiggled and wound her hips to the rocking beat of the band. Casting a coy glance over her shoulder, sure enough, she met his amused stare. He knew what she was up to.
And if Chase was being honest with himself, he couldn’t have been happier about it.
Angie had caught his eye awhile ago, but he always figured he didn’t register on her radar. After all, he was older than her – although not enough to really matter in this world – but the other kicker was that they were both married. She was a major flirt though – even with the women – and he wasn’t sure he remembered how to handle someone like that. So he went quietly about his business, and nodded politely and said hello when the situations warranted.
Until this summer.
Working together closely was something that the company was all about – it was one big incestuous family. People dated, people fucked, sometimes the company grapevine found out about it, sometimes not. But gossip was always rampant and it was tough to figure out what to believe and what not to. So Chase just let it all go in one ear and out the other. Besides, speculation was always more interesting than the real details.
Or was it?
When it came to Angie, Chase found himself listening extra closely if the gossip concerned her. He realized he WANTED to know the truth, but was way too polite to ask her. But if the rumors were true, her marriage was going south like a bullet train to Tennessee. And where THAT would lead her, was anyone’s guess.
He was the first to break eye contact, his gaze traveling down her neck, to her shoulders which were left bare by the revealing tank top she wore, to her luscious hips and ass. His cock stirred in his jeans. Not for the first time that night he noted to himself, as he tried to discreetly adjust his hard on.
Unfortunately for him, his timing was way off, as Angie chose to turn and face him at just that precise moment. Her eyes zeroed in on his hands and the bulge they covered. Her lips, shiny with gloss, opened to form an almost perfect O in “shock”, and her big brown eyes, outlined in heavy black liner, twinkled evily.
Angie glanced down at Chase’s bulging crotch & subtly ran the tip of her tongue over her lips. With a come-hither look in her eyes, she turned to the usher on her left.
“Ali, I’ll be right back. Just gotta tell Chase something.” She took a long swallow of beer from her can, and set it down behind Ali. She did a quick tit adjustment, and turned around with a saucy smile that made all sorts of promises.
When she was right in front of him, her body mere inches away, she leaned towards his ear. Despite having to overpower the band, her voice was still husky. “See something you like Chase?” He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent. It was a combination of summer berries, baby powder, and beer.
Chase would normally just smile and laugh it off with a casual “Oh yeah baby. Joe Elliot’s looking FINE.” Instead, he was surprised to hear himself saying “Yeah girl, I see a whole lot I like. And it’s all standing in front of me.” Angie looked stunned, but quickly recovered. Feeling a little bold after that beer, her first in a long while combined with the fact that she had just come off a thirteen hour shift, she glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention, and then moved in closer, so they were practically touching. She looked him dead in the eye.
"So then I guess this," she brushed her hand against his crotch, "is for me?" She framed it as a question, but she already knew the answer. Chase inhaled sharply. Angie grinned, amused. Feeling euphoric, first from the beer and now the attention, she threw her head back and laughed. As her head went back, her hips moved forward, pushing her hand against his hard on.
Chase swallowed a groan, even though there was no chance to be heard by anyone. Angie leaned in and whispered "Oh Chase. You're a bad boy.....and I love to fuck bad boys." Her voice was like honey to his ears. "Let me know when you've got the balls to follow through." She leaned in, lightly brushing her lips across his. He felt a jolt of electricity run through him, as if his balls were directly connected to his lips.
He watched her walk away, completely oblivious to the fact that someone had stepped up next to him. He turned in surprise when Dalton spoke. "She's something isn't she?" Chase turned red, mumbling something about how he wouldn't know. Dalton laughed. "C'mon Chase. I'm not blind. I've been watching her watching you watching her for weeks now. She's one of my best friends. AND, might I add, a great fuck." He glanced at his watch. "Take my advice buddy. If she's sending the signals, she means it. Take her up on it. See what happens." He clapped him on the shoulder. "Gotta go - break time is over. Think about it. She's worth it."
As Dalton walked away, Chase thought about what he said. Could he? His cock, which seemed to have a mind of its own, agreed with Dalton. But, could he? He looked over at her, where she stood laughing at something Ali said. Her smile was bright, her eyes sparkling. She glanced over at him and wiggled her fingers in a little wave, and followed it with a wink. His cock practically lept out of his pants. He sighed, his decision apparently having been made for him.
As the show continued, his eyes kept drifting over to her. Chase was surprised. Normally she'd be bouncing all over the place, flirting with their co-workers, rubbing it in the faces of those who would love to have been cut early...it was a game for them. But, he had a strange feeling she didn't want to move from his sight; that she wanted him to be watching her. And he was happy to oblige.
Unfortunately, the arrangement didn't last long. He sighed as he heard his name being called over the radio. "Go for Chase."
"Chase," Natasha's voice crackled over the radio. "I need you shut down West plaza twenty minutes before the end of the show. No one is to go back there. We'll have guards posted at all the entrances but I need two bodies back there to make sure that it's clear. I'm going to send Dalton as well. All you guys have to do is make sure that no patrons are back there. Have one of the girls clear the washroom before we put up the barricades."
"Copy that." He shut off his mic. Well, at least working with Dalton he'd have a good fourty minutes to gain some insight into Angie. Sneaking furitive glances over at her, he paid attention to the stage and listened carefully to his radio. He wouldn't want to miss Natasha's cue, especially since pissing her off would get him bridge duty - and no one EVER wanted to do bridge duty.
He watched as she finished her beer and disappeared into west plaza, presumeably to either visit the girl's room or to get another beer, when he reminded himself that alcohol was cut off ten minutes earlier. Oh well. She'd come out before they had to cut off access.
"Chase? Dalton? Head over to west plaza now - get Ali to check the washrooms before we set up the barricades." Or maybe not. As he walked towards Ali, he motioned for her to join him. She did so, giggling behind her hand. Chase stopped. "What?" She shook her head, eyes twinkling with a secret knowledge that she didn't plan on sharing; he didn't even have to ask to know that. The sisterhood stuck together in most cases. "Natasha wants you to check the ladies room before we cut access." Ali nodded and walked in.
Inside, Angie was standing there. "So, Ali. Are they shutting down west plaza?" Ali nodded her head and giggled again. "Oh you are so BAD Angie." "Ok, so Natasha did me a favour by putting Chase here, but who's his partner?" "Dalton." Ali whispered the name, and Angie grinned widely. This should be a piece of cake. Well, a piece of something anyway. She hugged Ali. "Ok, now, you know what to do."
Ali had one job, to make sure that NO ONE made it to west plaza - staff included. She'd have Dalton as back up...as soon as he figured out what Angie was up to. Ali walked out, and she could hear her talking to Chase. "Yep, all clear." Her voice was loud enough to carry inside to Angie, and let her know that it was a go.
Angie counted to thirty, giving Ali plenty of time to exit the plaza and then she wandered out. "Hey guys." Her voice carried easily. She looked around confused. "Why is this place so empty?" Dalton turned around and she caught the barely perceptable wink he sent her. "They closed it down, so we don't have to worry about clearing it." Angie grinned. "Well, that was nice of them."
She wandered over to the railing by the game lounge, and leaned on it with her elbows, her neck craned to the sky. She stretched her left leg out behind her, causing her jeans to pull taut over her ass. Chase couldn't take his eyes off her in the moonlight. Dalton nudged him with his elbow. "Go get her. I'll watch the plaza."
Chase turned to him, unsure. Dalton, taking advantage of his hesitation, called out "Angie!" and shoved Chase in her direction. As she turned around, he flew right into her arms. She braced herself against the railing, and his arms flung out to stop them from going over into the lake.
With their mouths mere inches from each other, this was the opening Angie had been waiting for. She pressed her body against his, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. But it wasn't just a kiss - it was a promise and one that she intended to keep.
Her lips were soft on his, and her breath was sweet and minty - she'd obviously been planning this. Chase wasn't naive enough to believe that this was all a coincidence. Dalton was right - she wanted him. And he wanted her too. He was lost in her lips, lost in his thoughts when he was startled by her tongue. It snaked out of her mouth, tangling with his, and tracing a moist line around his lips.
He deepend their kiss, deepened their embrace until she was pressed against every part of him. Her lush breasts flattened against his chest, and despite the padding in her bra, he could feel her nipples standing at attention. His hands reached down to cup her ass and pull her even further to him.
He heard a chuckle in the background and broke away. Turning, he saw Dalton standing there. "Told you man." Chase was breathless, only able to give a thumbs up. Angie moved away from him, making her way to the far end of the railing, and disappearing around the corner. Chase, double checking with Dalton, followed. What he was almost made him come on the spot.
Angie stood there, her tank top discarded on the ground, her belt and jeans undone. He could see her bare skin revealed in the V where her zipper was down. Her hands were behind her back, and she toed the ground in front of her in mock nervousness. One look at her eyes, and she knew, she knew full well that she had him right where she wanted him. And it was right where he wanted to be too.
In two strides, he had her in his arms. He dipped his head to her ear and licked at the lobe, causing a shiver to go through her. His hands became busy with the clasp on her bra, and his mouth trailed down the side of her neck to the base, where he bit her. As she cried out, the last hook on her bra opened and her breasts fell free.
Dropping her bra along side of her, Chase held her tits in his hands. They were soft, heavy and warm. He ached to taste them. As if reading his mind, Angie, who hadn't said a word yet, put her hands under his, and offered them up to his mouth. The tip of her tongue touched her bottom lip and she nodded with lust in her eyes.
Angie waited to feel his lips on her nipples. She groaned at the contact and almost stumbled. Chase's arm shot out to catch her, and without changing his position, moved her back to the snack shack. With the support behind her, Chase let her go and began massaging her breasts, all the while circling her sensitive buds with his tongue.
Angie's breath came out in little gasps. She was hot, she was wet, and she was ready for him. She had waited all night, hoping that he would take her up on what she was willingly offering him. "Oh Chase." she moaned as he suckled her. Her voice sounded raw, even to her own ears.
Chase raised his head and grinned wickedly. "What's the matter little girl? Bite off more than you can chew?" Not waiting for a response, he kissed her again. This time he led the way, his lips bruising hers, translating all his lust into that one contact. Her hands reached up and grasped his shirt, pulling him closer again. Frantically, her hands made their way to his waist and hauled his shirt out of his pants. Her palms found the smooth surface of his chest, the hair on it soft and plush. Her nails curled in of their own will, and fueled by her lust, raked down in desperation. She leaned into him, found the pulse at the hollow of his throat and pressed her lips there.
Chase felt his breath hitch in his throat. "God Angie, I want you." Grabbing his shirt again, she pulled him in close. "So take me." With those three words, his cock almost exploded out of his pants. Kicking off his shoes and socks, and pulling his shirt over his head, he stood before her in only his jeans. "Now we're even." she managed to get out before he was attacking her again. Her hands went to his belt, frantically unbuckling it and ripping open the button that seemed to be the only thing keeping his hard on in place.
As Angie reached down the opening, she expected to encounter some form of underwear and was in shock when she touched flesh. Chase winked at her, and she giggled. Turning back to the task at hand, she shoved him away and opted to slowly pull down her only remaining item of clothing. Her thighs were slick, which made it a little more difficult to look sexy. But she managed to get them off without any major mishaps and the air filled with her scent. She traced a finger down her stomach to her freshly shaved pussy.
Chase's eyes followed the path her finger took, widening when he saw her dip it into her cleft. She moaned softly and closed her eyes. That was all the encouragement Chase needed. He dropped his pants faster than he ever had in his life.
They were both standing there naked, the night wind carressing their hot skin, Chase framed against the skyline of the city, the lights flashing from the Ex across the street, the moon piercing the night sky. Chase could hear the applause from the audience. He knew they didn't have much time. But, he had to, he just needed to....
He knelt in front of Angie, and using his thumbs, parted her lips. Spotting her clit, which wasn't hard to do as it was standing up, as if waiting for him, he pulled it into his mouth.
FUCK - Angie exploded on the spot. A wave of pleasure hit her like a ton of bricks as Chase fastened his lips to her and sucked. His tongue swirled around it, dipping lower to enter her. She gasped for air, as she shuddered again and again.
"Let me....I want to.....not fair...." she whispered.
Chase chuckled. He knew she couldn't wait to return the favour, to get her lips around his throbbing cock, and suck him dry. "Sorry sugar - there's not enough time tonight." He got to his feet, and she braced herself against the building. "What do you want now Angie?" His voice was low and seductive.
"Fuck me Chase. I want you to fuck me."
No more words were spoken. He lifted her leg and rammed his solid nine inches into her. She cried out and buried her head in his shoulder. He developed a rhythm, thrusting in time to the pulsating beat coming from the stage. Her nails raked across his back, causing exquisite pain and he thrust even harder. She cried out each time he rammed into her tight, hot hole. She was so wet, her excitement coated the inside of her thighs, making her slippery. He tightened his grip on her.
Angie was amazed. Every inch of his heavy hardness was rammed into her continuously, and she held back a strangled cry as she came yet again. The cool air did nothing to satiate the heat between them, and sweat and excitement covered every part of them. Her knees threatened to buckle as she melted against him.
Chase heard the applause from the concert, and realized that the band was going into their encore. That didn't leave much time if they didn't want to get caught by Natasha, who was bound to come down to the plaza to make sure all was well.
As Chase pulled out, Angie groaned in disappointment. He smiled, and jacked his dick a few times, just for show. "We have to hurry this one up honey. The show's gonna be over soon." Angie nodded. "So how do you want to finish?" She gave him a half a smile. He took her hand, and led her to the railing, where he bent her over. As she braced herself on the rail, he took hold of her hips and thrust into her again, causing her to scream. Fortunately, it was at that moment that the band took the stage again, and her voice got lost in the crowd.
Looking out over the water, Chase marvelled at this night. Who knew, when he got up for work that morning, that this is how it would happen? Glancing down at his cock pummeling in and out of Angie's wet pussy, he had a feeling that she knew.
His balls tightened, indicating he was ready to blow. He pulled out, expecting to jack off all over her back. Instead, Angie turned and got on her knees. Taking his slick member in her hot mouth, she swallowed every drop of come. He watched her throat working, and thought that he might come again.
She stood, wiping the back of her hand over her mouth, and planting a kiss on him. He could taste himself on her lips, on her tongue, and thought it was the sexiest thing ever.
They both got dressed in silence, and sure enough, just as he buckled his belt, he heard Natasha's voice calling his name.
With a wink and a smile, he emerged from behind the snack shack, and Angie sighed, gazing across the street.
She wondered what show she could take off next week.
©Miz Angell 2007

Fantasized by Angell at 1:54 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with erotic fiction, original fiction, sex outdoors is the best ever, the thrill of the chase, victory is mine
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Five minute Fantasy
I'm on security patrol up on the lawns of a Sisters of Mercy concert. The lawns are closed due to lack of sales, but I still have to make sure that no one climbs the fence illegally. As I'm peering beyond the fence into the shadows, I get a call on the radio.
"Roam team A, what's your 20?" It's my supervisor.
"Up on the lawns, southeast corner by the stairs." I respond post haste as I don't allow myself to dwell on the way his voice makes me wet, the way the thought of him makes me throb. Suddenly I'm overcome with lust and need to do something about it.
Furtive glances tell me that no one is around, and the nearest guard is a hundred yards away at the bottom of the hill. Hurriedly, I unzip the front of my pants, thankful for once that I bought them two sizes too big. With no underwear to impede me - I had found that they just chafe when walking around for five hours - my hand slips down to my clit, which is distended, standing at attention, begging to be touched.
With no patience for gentle touches, I attack it with my middle finger, sinking to sit on the steps below me, legs splayed like a whore. I moan as quietly as I can, as waves of pleasure wash over me, even though I'm nowhere close to coming. I can feel the wetness pooling at the base of my spine, and I slowly insert two fingers into my pussy. They slide in with no problem, and a squishing sound that normally makes me smile. But no smiles for that today, as the penetration feels incredible and my other hand moves to take over at my clit.
My fingers pinch and roll it, rubbing my lips together around my fingers.
"Well, this is a sight."
My hands come out of my pants, and my head whips to the side. My supervisor is standing there, an amused grin on his face, lust in his blue eyes and a rod in his pants. He glances down at my pussy, which is visible through the opening of my too large pants.
He moves in front of me, and I make a fumbled attempt to cover up. "Don't." he tells me.
Without another word, he unzips and pulls his hard on out of his pants. I'm amazed at the girth of it, and from the rumors I'd heard, he knows how to use it too. He jacks it a few times for effect, and it works. My breasts are heaving, my breath in short spurts and I'm dying to be fucked.
He helps me to my feet, turns me around and whips my pants down to my ankles. Bending me over the railing, he has no problem slipping his cock inside me. To the sounds of "Cry Little Sister", he slams into me. My fingers return to my clit, which is so sensitive at this time, it only needs a few little strokes and circles on the bud to cause me to cry out. My pussy muscles clamp around his dick, and cause more friction.
He grabs my hair and pulls my head back. Biting my neck, he whispers "Damn woman. You want me to come too soon?" I moan out loud as his hand comes around to my breasts and slips under my bra. His agile fingers find my nipple and squeeze and twist. I cry out again, moaning his name.
His manic thrusting continues, with my orgasm barely fading. Suddenly, the radio crackles to life.
"Roam Team C, what's your 20?"
"Lawns, southeast corner on the stairs." he replies. I look at him in shock. What the fuck? Does he WANT to get caught?
"Roger that. On my way to see you."
"Fuck. What are you doing? Do you want people to see us fucking?"
He grins, and shoves into me harder, causing another cry to come from the back of my throat. I bury my face in my arms and bite my lip to keep from being louder.
My hips thrust backwards, anxious to get it over with if only to NOT get busted by someone who signs the paychecks.
I've come about four times, when he suddenly pulls out. When I turn around, his hand hits my shoulder and forces me to my knees. He sticks his throbbing cock in my face. It's purple and looks like it's ready to explode.
"Suck it." It's not a question, it's a command, and I'm on the clock. That means I do what my supervisor tells me to do. My mouth opens and he sticks it in. He grabs either side of my head and starts fucking my face.
My cheeks cave in with pressure, and my hand reaches up to cup his balls. As I give them a gentle squeeze, he groans and throws his head back. I can feel his come hit the back of my throat and I start swallowing, barely able to keep up.
We hear a rustling at the top of the hill and both dress in haste. As two heads appear at the stairway, we pretend like we've been chasing a jumper.
How else would you explain us being out of breath and flushed?

Fantasized by Angell at 1:46 PM 1 horny thoughts
Fucking with erotic fiction, flash contest, flash entry, fucking the supervisor isn't always a good idea, original fiction, security does have it's perks, Sisters of Mercy
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
La Vie Boheme
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Fantasized by Angell at 1:39 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with erotic fiction, infidelity, lust or love, movies should always be like this, original fiction
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Putting in Overtime
"Hey Angie. Can you stay late tonight?" Her boss Shawn stuck his head in the door to her office. She looked up from her ledger.
"Sure. Is there a problem?" Shawn never usually asked her to stay late. It was usually him and Dave that stayed until close. The rest of the plant got to go home at four, but they stayed until six, sometimes seven, depending on how busy the phones were. He shook his head. "Nope, just need to take Jessica to the doctors. Amy has to take Jake to soccer." She smiled, imagining that he would rather take soccer duty than the doctor's appointment. "Not to worry though. It's just answering calls. Dave will be here too, so you won't be alone." He gave her a knowing grin. She cursed herself silently for ever confiding in him about her crush on Dave. The two of them went way back to high school, so of course, he kept threatening to tell him. She didn't think he would though.
Not like it would matter. Because, while Angie knew she wasn't the ugliest girl on the planet, she knew that she wasn't the type to catch Dave's eye. Plus he was going through a rough time, and he wasn't even looking at her that way.
Angie fixed Shawn with her "school teacher" glare -the one she learned off her mom. "Yeah, well, whatever." Shawn laughed and went back to his desk. She shook her head. Whatever? That was the best come back she could come up with? She sighed, and went back to her ledger, where she quickly got caught up in the checks and balances.
So much so, that she didn't see her IM window pop up. When she finally glanced at her computer screen, she saw the message from Dave. All it said was SMILE. She looked at the clock. No wonder her stomach was gurgling - she almost worked through lunch. Closing the ledger, she pushed away from her desk and headed to the back, running smack into Dave. Her heels (Manolo Blahnik knock off's no less) slid on the tile and he grabbed her to keep her from falling. It was the first time he'd actually touched her. Her heart started racing, and she was almost positive he could feel it. He smiled slowly at her.
"Whoah." He held her briefly before setting her right on her feet. He glanced down. "Those are some nice heels you got there." His gaze travelled slowly up her body, before resting on her cleveage. "And the rest is looking pretty good too." He looked into her eyes, smiled and stepped aside so she could pass. When she was certain that the door was closed behind her, she sat down hard on one of the chairs around the table. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and she suddenly felt very hot and wet between her thighs. The tiny scrap of material that was posing as her thong wasn't going to do her any good today. As if proving her thoughts right, as she stood up she glanced at the seat of the chair. A thin strip of moisture was left behind, right where her thong connected with the vinyl.
She got her soup, nuked it, and decided to take lunch at her desk. Her email needed checking anyway. Plus, she had to pass Dave's desk on the way back to her office. It was a pretty sweet set up. She was the only one that had her own office, besides the boss that is. As Angie walked by Dave, she reached out and rubbed his bald head. Without looking back, she added an extra swing to her hips. She could feel his eyes on her, and managed to get back behind her desk wtihout any other mishaps.
Her eyes bulged at the contents of her inbox. Fourty five new messages!! Wow, her friends were busy. As she sipped her soup, she managed to return messages to about half of them. The rest were forwards and chain letters. Then a name popped out at her. Dave Nelson? She stood up to peer around the door at him. She didn't realize he had her personal account address. Brimming full of curiosity, she opened it. All it said was LATER. She was puzzled. But rather than ask him about it, she just deleted it. It was probably the punchline to a joke she forgot.
"Angie? Got any chocolate?" Shawn's head popped around her door frame, startling her, and causing her to spill what was left of her soup all down her hoodie. "Aw for shit's sake Shawn. Yes, take it." She threw the ziploc bag of chocolate hearts at him, and removed her sweater quickly before it soaked through to the thin spaghetti strap tank top she had underneath. She ran it to the bathroom and ran it under cold water. Fortunately, the hoodie was black, so it wouldn't stain, but now she had a problem - she was freezing.
She hung it on the back of the door, and walked out with her arms around herself. Dave glanced at the washroom, and noted her lack of sweater. He put two and two together. "Cold Angie?" She nodded, and went to stand in front of the gas fireplace they had in the corner outside her office door. As she prayed for warmth, she felt something settle around her shoulders. She glanced down to see that Dave had put his jacket around her shoulders. She slipped her arms in to the sleeves and closed it around her chest, before he could notice her perky nipples. "Thanks." She winced internally, as she realized that she sounded like a bad Marilyn Monroe imitation. His hands lingered briefly on her shoulders, and then she heard his footsteps retreating. Angie rushed back to her desk, feeling better once she sat down. At least the chair was a solid base. Her legs had just turned to jello at his touch.
Angie spent the rest of her lunch chatting online with her friends and listening to her music. Her IM window popped open again.
R U WARM NOW? he wanted to know. Her hands had a life of their own as she responded IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU KNOW. She could have slapped herself. WHY WHY WHY was she doing this? It popped open again.
Angie groaned and buried her head in her arms. "I am SO stupid..."
Alternating between her work and daydreaming about Dave, she didn't notice the hours flying by. Before she knew it, it was three thiry, and Shawn was waving at her from the doorway.
As she waved back, her heart skipped a beat. She was about to be alone in the office with Dave, and in about half an hour, she was about to be very alone with him when the building emptied out. She repeated to herself that it didn't matter - Dave didn't look at her in that way. He was just a flirt. She could keep this on a business level. She caressed the jacket, feeling its soft plaid material, inhaling the scent of his cologne, and a hint of smoke. She revelled in this brief connection. Sure, she could keep it on a business level.....
She drained her brain, not wanting to think of him, not wanting to feel the primal need inside her that just wanted to press her lips to his, coaxing him into submission with her tongue. She didn't want to imagine what those lips would feel like on hers, what his hands could do to her body....
She figured her hoodie had to be dry by now, so she went to the bathroom to check (ok, and to freshen up - lipstick, perfume, mascara....). Yep, it was dry. As reluctant as she was to give his jacket back, she knew that she had to. She shrugged into her sweater, and zipped it a quarter of the way up, just enough to keep it from falling off - she noted that one of these days she was going to have to start buying sweaters that were smaller. Holding the jacket close one last time, she exited the bathroom, and noted that Dave wasn't at his desk. She placed it on the back of his chair, and went into her office, where, for the second time that day, she ran smack into Dave.
Once again, he held her to keep her from falling. Only, this time, his arms went around her. "Um, thanks." Her face was on fire, as she stepped back to let him leave. She felt her hoodie sliding off of one shoulder, leaving the strap from her tank and her shoulder exposed. She left him plenty of room in the doorway to pass her by, but he brushed by her, like there was no space. Her breath caught in her throat. She slowly turned to walk to her desk, when Dave spoke.
"So why are you acting like there's nothing here?" She stopped in her tracks and turned around. "Wha...what are you talking about?" He walked towards her, his steps deliberate. She backed up, fully aware that there was no where for her to go. She felt her back hit the wall. Gathering her courage, she looked him in the eye. Big mistake. She didn't notice his hand come up to her shoulder, so she was startled when she felt a finger trace down her strap. He hooked under it and ever so slowly pulled it down off her shoulder. "Come on Angie. You want me. I know you do."
She bit the inside of her lip, and silently cursed out Shawn for opening his mouth. As if reading her mind, he looked amused. "Shawn didn't say anything either." Angie was quick to jump on that. "Well, if Shawn didn't say anything, how would you know to say that he didn't say anything?" she challenged. "Well, it was obvious that you two had a secret, and it had nothing to do with each other. Besides, everytime I checked you out, Shawn just laughed. When I asked why, he never would say. Combine that with the cute little outfits you've been wearing, and the 'come fuck me' perfume, I put it all together myself."
"Oh." Angie's ire slowly ebbed out of her, and she was left with nothing but pure, unadulterated lust and longing. Dave's hand was still caressing her bare shoulder, lightly, which was causing her goosebumps to have goosebumps. His head dipped to her ear, and whispered in the most seductive tone she'd ever heard "I want you. And I know you want me." He took her earlobe between his lips and sucked on it. She went weak. His lips trailed down her neck to her shoulder, and down to the curve of her breast. He pulled away. "So what do we do about it?" Angie couldn't take those piercing eyes seeing right through her. She felt cornered, and began searching for an escape. Fortunately, Dave's extension rang. "You'd better get that." He backed away from her slowly.
"This isn't over Angie." He got to his desk and picked up the ringing phone. Angie rushed to her desk and pulled herself in, creating a 2 foot solid oak barried between them. She hurridly buried her nose in the monthly A/R reports. When he entered her office again, she was certain that he'd stay on his side of the desk. So she was unprepared for the rear assault. He placed his hands on her shoulders, slowly massaging her muscles.
"You're so tense." he murmured. Angie's eyes closed. His hands felt so good - almost as good as Phil's. She sighed, and he took that as a sign. Slowly, he spun her chair around so she was facing him. She sank back in the chair, legs splayed in front of her, skirt hiked a little high, and looked up at him through heavily lidded eyes. Placing his hand on the back of her chair, he used his other hand to tip her chin up. No words were needed as Angie's heart rate doubled and her eyes closed again.
Dave's pulse raced as he claimed her lips in the sweetest kiss he'd had in a long time. He deepened the kiss, claiming her mouth, his hand moving from the top of the chair to the back of her neck, drawing her closer. His hand touched her bare thigh, and she shivered. His groin shot right to attention.
Angie thought she'd died and gone to heaven. His lips felt as good as she thought they would. And boy could he kiss! Angie's whole life, she'd loved kissing more than anything else. It was the ultimate form of foreplay. A guy could be taught how to lick a woman's pussy, but you can't teach someone how to kiss - they either know how or they don't. And Dave definately knew how. Judging from his tongue action, he'd be damn good at eating her out too.
Dave heard a moan coming from the back of her throat, and her legs opened more. He wondered if she was on the same page as he was. He knew she wasn't wearing stockings, and he knew from paying close attention to her wardrobe that she only wore thongs. His hand slid further up her thigh, and came briefly into contact with a scrap of cotton. She broke the kiss.
"We can't..." she fought to catch her breath. "We can't do this now." He was perplexed. "Why not?" She glanced at the clock. It was only five to four. "Because, " she struggled to her feet, "in about five minutes there will be about fourty guys walking either through this office, out that front door, or past those windows. Do you really want an audience?" As she adjusted, he watched her braless tits jiggle, and felt himself go hard again. She turned her back to him to bend over her mouse to click the flashing icon on her computer, and his hand brushed up against her bare cheeks. She gazed at him over her shoulder, and gave him a coy little smile. She straightened up and pointed to the door "Now go."
He went out the door as directed, but pointed out to her "We're not finished." She winked at him, and said in a husky voice "No, we're not."
Dave had difficulty sitting at his desk with his cock poking him in the stomach, so he stood up to walk around for a bit. The building couldn't empty fast enough as far as he was concerned. In her office, Angie was taking inventory, muttering to herself "I can't believe this is happening. Don't freeze up - don't forget the condom." Freeze up? She laughed at herself. As if that could happen. Dave's touch virtually turned her insides to molten lava.
She began waving to the guys as they walked out. Her thighs were slick with her longing, and her pussy was aching for Dave. She began walking out of her office, taking her time when she passed Dave’s desk. Then she changed direction. Instead of the lunch room, where she was headed, she went to the front door and locked it. THEN she turned around and headed to the lunch room. Making sure the back door was locked, she watched from the window as the last car pulled out of the driveway. She closed the blinds, just as the door was pushed open with such force that it almost came off its hinges.
Dave headed straight for her, lust in his eyes, and, judging from the bulge in his pants, there too. He caught her face in his hands and began kissing her again, but this time she was ready. She clutched at his shirt, pulling him across the room to the sofa that sat along one wall. She pushed him onto it and straddled him. Her wet slit rubbed against his zipper, sending incredible sensations through her. She dove into his neck, nibbling and licking, and started on his ear.
His hands ripped at her tank top, snapping one of the straps, and freeing those beautiful tits from their cage. His hand cupped her left one and brought the hard nipple to his mouth. As he closed around it, she cried out, and as he sucked on it, she went tense. He’d been with enough women to know the signs. She was about to cum, and only from him sucking her nipple. He continued, his left hand reaching under her skirt to the front of her thong. His thumb slipped under it to find smooth flesh, and as he traveled down, came across what he was looking for. His thumb skipped across her clit a few times, before settling in one spot and gently rubbing.
She threw her head back, and started gasping, “Oh my god Dave. Please, oh my god…”
Her hands drew his head in tighter, so pretty soon her whole breast felt like it was in his mouth, but he still concentrated on that nipple. He felt her shudder as she let out a primal scream. He stopped to watch her cum. Her eyes got wide, and her lips shone. She slumped for a moment, and then proceeded to climb off him.
Uh oh – Dave wondered what he had done. Until he realized that she was stripping down. Hastily, he did the same, taking his shirt off and unbuttoning his jeans. She turned to him, topless, but still in her skirt and heels. She sat on the couch, and motioned for him to stand in front of her. She finished removing his jeans, and then, reached for his cock.
Dave gasped as she took him in hand. Angie smiled. It was just like she had imagined. She stroked him once or twice, just enjoying watching his reactions. Then she leaned in. Her breath caressed the head, and her tongue flicked out over it.
Just when Dave thought it couldn’t get any better, she took him all in. Her mouth enveloped his shaft and he had to bite his lip to keep himself from groaning in pleasure. He looked down at her head of curls bobbing on his cock, and smiled to himself. How long had he dreamt about this? Probably ever since she started. He noticed those full lips and big brown eyes that stared holes through him, and had always wondered what they would feel like wrapped around him. And now he knew, and they felt just as good as he thought. Her hand grasped the base of his shaft and followed the flow of her mouth, applying pressure, and increasing his sensations. She concentrated on bathing his cock with her tongue each time he filled her mouth, loving the feeling of it sliding back and forth, so strong and smooth. His knees almost buckled under the intensity of it. She sure knew what she was doing.
Angie thought she’d died. She had such a surreal feeling. His cock was huge and hard, and she was enjoying it. Her right hand reached under her skirt and shoved her thong aside. She started rolling her clit between her fingers, and pulling on it. She started moaning against his cock, and he glanced down to see why. He almost blew his load when he saw her fingering herself. Although it almost killed him, he pulled out of her mouth, and fell onto her, kissing her hard, smashing his mouth to hers, more turned on than he had been in a long time. He felt her hand move as she tried to remove it from her pussy. “No. Keep going.” His voice was dark and dangerous, and Angie didn’t even question it.
He kept kissing her as she continued to finger herself. “Cum for me Angie. Make yourself cum for me.” He bent his head to her breast, remembering what had happened earlier, and this time, she couldn’t stop herself from crying out. Her fingers worked her clit furiously, desperate to cum again. Dave nibbled her nipple, stroking himself. Not that he needed the help, he just felt like he needed to be doing something with that hand. As she shuddered, he felt her body clench, and he knew she was cumming again.
He made his way from her chest down to her belly button, before tossing up her skirt, removing her thong and parting her thighs. He grinned at the lust he saw in her eyes, and watched her face as he slowly parted her lips with his thumbs. She closed her eyes and her head fell back as he found her clit and began massaging it with his thumb. "Oh Dave." she whispered. "Please...." her voice trailed off.
"Please what Angie? What would you like me to do to you?" He didn't even recognize his own voice. She gasped as he inserted two fingers into her wetness. "I want you to eat me. I want you to lick my pussy until I cum again."
"Like this?" His voice was barely audible to Angie. Her blood was pounding in her ears. All she felt was his breath on her mound, and then the tip of his tongue following the moist trail of her slit. As he licked the inside of each lip, and then proceeded to take both in his mouth and suck them, she thought she would go insane.
Dave watched her thrash back and forth. He silently chuckled to himself, enjoying the torture. After all, in her short skirts and high heels, she'd been torturing him for weeks. Payback was a bitch. He gave a quick lick of her clit, and plunged his tongue into her hole, fucking her with it, the action after a few minutes, causing another strangled scream to come from her. In the midst of her orgasm, he fixated on her clit, taking the hard bud into his mouth, nibbling it with his teeth and then sucking on it hard, just like he had with her nipple.
Angie couldn't believe it. Ok, yep. She was right. He was fucking amazing at this. Just as one orgasm subsided, another wave attacked and by the time he was finished, the sofa was drenched with her cum.
He drew back from her, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and standing over her with a raging hard on. Her breathing was shallow, as if she’d run a marathon. She opened her eyes, and looked at his gorgeous cock jutting out from his body. “Ok big boy. You had your fun – now it’s my turn.” Her voice went husky. “How do you usually fuck?” He started in surprise. He’d never been asked that before. “Welllll,” he responded slowly, “I’m used to girls wanting me to do all the work.” She rose from the sofa and sauntered towards him, still in just her skirt and heels. “Oh, poor baby.” Her voice was mocking, and yet, very soothing. She got right in his face, and traced a line down his chest with her nail. “Well, this woman wants to do her share too.” She pushed him into a chair, and straddled him once again. Only, this time, with no jeans on, there was no barrier between his hard cock and her hot cunt. She could feel his the length of him against her bare pussy and just imagined how good it would feel inside of her. She reached into the barely noticeable pocket on her skirt, and pulled out the condom. She tore into it with her teeth, and before he could blink, had it on him.
“Do this often?” he asked, half jokingly. “Well,” she mused, rising on her knees. “a girl’s gotta protect herself.” And with that said, she impaled herself on his dick, moaning in satisfaction as all 8” were buried into her. Dave gasped. “Oh girl, you feel so good….” His voice trailed off as she began moving herself slowly up and down his rod. His hands found her breasts again, and he began massaging them in time to her rhythm. Her nipples stood up against her skin, begging, once again, to be touched, sucked, anything. He obliged by pinching them, rolling them between his fingers and leaning in to flick his tongue across their surface. Angie’s hands were on his shoulders, helping to keep her balance as she rode up and down his cock like a woman possessed.
Angie loved the feel of his hardness inside of her. She was so wet, she could barely stay on him. She had known he’d be good, but she never dreamed she’d get the chance to find out. With her skirt still on, she would get a breeze on her hot mound every so often, and it just made the experience more erotic. She opened her eyes and looked at Dave’s face. His eyes were closed and he had an expression of pure bliss. She stopped riding, and just sat there, her hole just enveloping his head. She flexed her muscles, and made his jump. She did it three more times in rapid succession. He opened his eyes.
”Girl,” he said in a lazy drawl, “if you keep that up, this cowboy ain’t gonna last long.” She glanced at the clock. "Well, we still have an hour before we officially have to close shop. And then," she flexed again, and leaned forward to nip at his lips "there's overtime." Then, without warning, she plunged downwards, enveloping him in her hot pussy once again, and just sat there. When the sensations subsided, she began running her hands over his chest, pulling at his nipples, and lighting running her nails down to his pelvic area. His eyes followed, as she ran her nails up her smooth pussy, stopping briefly to pinch her clit. She snapped her pelvis forward, rubbing her clit against his pubic bone, and causing him to gasp.
Repeating the action, her hands made their way to her swinging brests and she began massaging them in slow circles. Her tongue slowly licked her bottom lip and she brought her left nipple to his lips. Dave opened his mouth, and she stuck it in. As he had before, he suckled it like a newborn wanting milk. Angie couldn't move. The combination of Dave's suction and his cock in her was too much. Dave noticed her sudden complacency, and decided to take control.
He stopped sucking, and picked her up off his lap. Lifting her up and over his shoulder, he carried her out of the lunchroom to his desk, where she was relieved to see that the blinds were closed. He lay her back on it, pulled her ass to the edge, and entered her. He was teasing her, going agonizingly slow, causing her to writh in impatience. Dave chuckled. This was amazing. His balls hit her ass as he entered her fully. She moaned. He started going in long, full strokes, making sure that she got every inch of him. Her hands looked for something to hold onto and he was instantly glad that he'd cleaned off his desk before going into the lunch room. Finding nothing, she clutched at the edge of the desk.
"Oh...my....god...." Each syllable out of her mouth was punctuated by a thrust. Her body tensed again, which, by now, he was able to tell, meant she was cumming - AGAIN. He grinned. This was doing his ego so much good, and he could tell she was really enjoying herself too. On the verge of cumming himself, he stopped fucking her. She lay there for a second, panting and shaking. She struggled to prop herself up on her elbows. But before she could get too comfortable, he pulled her down. "Oh no honey. We're not done yet." Turning her back to him, he pulled her against his chest. His hands went to her breasts, which were full and heavy and heaving after the fucking she'd just gotten. She sighed, and leaned her head back. He grabbed a handful of hair, and pulled her head to one side. Her neck was exposed, and he sunk his teeth into the soft flesh, not enough to break the skin, but enough to tease her. Keeping his hold on her, he bent her slowly from the waist down, so her ass was showing and her fuck hole was at the perfect level. He gave silent thanks that she wore heels today, or it wouldn't
"I've dreamt of fucking you like this." He released her hair, and raked his fingers down her back, causing her to arch and cry out. His hands grasped her hips, and lining up his cock with that sweet cunt, said in strangled tones "I'm not taking my time on this one. You're REALLY going to be fucked now." She glanced over her shoulder, brushed her hair out of her eyes, and whispered "Bring it."
That was all the encouragement he needed. He thrust into her like a man possessed. Angie bucked back against him, feeling all of him and still wanting more. They rocked into a fast paced rhythm, savage and unforgiving - just two people crazed with lust. Dave's balls ached to cum, and Angie's legs were ready to give out. The fact that they hadn't permanently turned to jello was a miracle.
He clutched at her hips, and started panting in rhythm with her. Angie could tell he was ready to cum, so she stopped, and flexed her pussy. With a loud groan, he shot his wad into the condom. While she was glad she had it, Angie was disappointed. She really wanted to feel him cum inside her - it had been something she dreamt about for awhile. Dave collapsed onto her back, and the two of them just stood that way for a moment.
He slowly stood up, and helped her straighten out. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. "WOW." was all Angie could say. Dave collapsed into his chair, pulling Angie onto his lap. "Well, now that we've got that out of the way, think this thing will go away?" Angie looked him in the eye and giggled.
"Not on your life pal. Only, next time, maybe your place?" She stood up, kissed him again, and sauntered off to the bathroom, tits bouncing and ass swinging away. As Dave removed the condom, he looked up at the new security camera that had been installed last week, and smiled. No one had told Angie about the six cameras that were located in the lunchroom, the order area and Shawn's office, and no one was going to either. After disposing of the condom, he quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper and held it up for the camera to see.
©Miz Angell March 2007

Fantasized by Angell at 12:14 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with erotic fiction, fucking at work makes for better employee relations, original fiction
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Unsated Passion
Your piercing green eyes
stirring up memories
of not so long ago
Lips locked in forbidden passion
hearts racing
desperate longing
stolen moments
in every corner
Against a tree in a wooded area
on a hot summers night
stairwell of a movie theatre
behind a tree on a summers day
Never have I felt more alive
after a hibernation
ready to live again
Bring me to life
for I am waiting
suspended in memories
lost in your eyes

Fantasized by Angell at 1:30 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with original poetry, poetry is always sex, sex can be poetry
Monday, February 26, 2007
Strangers In the Night
I awoke with a start, in a state of panic. I couldn't move my arms! They were tied to the bedposts with a red scarf. I surpressed a scream as I looked down at my body and realized that I was naked! I couldn't figure out what was going on, and a feeling of helplessness came over me.
"About time you woke up."
I turned my head and saw him sitting there, stroking a huge erection in one hand, and holding a drink in the other. I opened my mouth to speak, to ask what the hell was going on, but before I could, he silenced me with a hard look. Then, standing up, he continued to stroke himself as he gave me instructions. It didn't take me long to figure out what was up.
"Now, here is how this will work. First of all, you will NOT speak, or make a sound, unless I ask you a question. Then you will answer. Other than that, I don't want to hear your voice. If you speak out of line once, you will be punished. Twice, you will be gagged. You will do as I tell you, EXACTLY as I tell you, or you will once again be tied up. Do you understand?" I nodded my head at him. He threw his drink on me, and I could smell gin. "I didn't hear you bitch."
"Yes." I said softly. He smirked.
"Good." His hand was still pumping his dick, and I was mesmerised by every action. "I'm going to untie you now. After I do so, I am going to begin licking the liquid off your body. You are allowed to do whatever you want with your hands, EXCEPT you can't go near your pussy, your tits, or my dick." With that, he kissed me hard, his tongue lashing with mine as he jammed two fingers into my cunt. I whimpered against his mouth, and he moved to my ear, rasping "Feels good, don't it?" I couldn't answer. "Don't it?" he repeated, and jammed them in harder. My back arched and I buried my nails into his back, raking them down as he licked the bitter liquid from my tits, concentrating on my nipples. I tried not to moan in ecstasy, biting my lip to keep silent. He sucked on it, and it hardened instantly. I could feel his hard prick rubbing up against my leg. I remembered what it looked like with him stroking it, and I ached for him to put it deep inside me.
"Please fuck me." I didn't know that I had spoken those words aloud. His blue eyes stared at me as he withdrew his mouth from my breasts. He cuffed me upside the head. "That's just a warning babe. Next time is the real punishment." He resumed sucking my nipples, his hands stroking my hips. I pulled his head in closer, my hands stroking his hair. He moved down my body, lapping like a dog down my stomach and across my groin. I clamped my lips together, so I wouldn't giggle as it tickled. The giggles behind my teeth turned to silent moans inside my head as he travelled down to my clit. He flicked it a few times to tease me, and my head thrashed back and forth with the torture at having to remain silent. Then he dove in, plunging his tongue into my slit.
"Fuck you taste good. Do you know how good you taste?" I shook my head. "Finger yourself. Take your middle fingers and shove them in there." My hand resisted, so he showed me how. "I can't believe a tramp like you doesn't know how to get herself off." He shoved my hand in and out, and my breath came in short, heavy gasps. He used his other hand to pinch my clit. I was so ready to cum. He forced my hand from my pussy and brought it to my lips. "Lick." he ordered me, and I did, slowly, sensually, my lips sliding up and down my fingers, sucking, tugging. He stroked his hard on once again, watching me intently. The he stood up beside the bed.
"On your knees bitch." I obediently knelt in front of him. "Suck my cock, just like you were sucking your fingers." Grasping his throbbing prick in my right hand, I put my lips to his head, licking the crown, then lapping at the shaft. My left hand caressed his balls, my mouth enveloping his entire cock. Up and down I sucked, my head bobbing. He groaned and he sank his hands in my hair. "Oh yeah baby. That's it. Suck it, suck it hard. Do you like that? Do you like sucking cock?" I nodded my head, and he pulled my hair back violently. "Answer me."
"I love sucking cock. I can't get enough of it." He grinned. "I knew it baby." He pulled my head in again. I circled his prick with my tongue, tugging on the head. He groaned and pulled me away.
"Now, on your hands and knees. I'm gonna fuck you like the bitch you are." As I silently obeyed, he continued to talk. "You are a little bitch aren't you?" He slammed into me, and I screamed. "Aren't you?? Let me hear you say it."
"Yes," I whimpered, "I am a bitch." He slammed his cock in again and again. "REPEAT IT."
"I-am-a-bitch." I repeated through clenched teeth as each slam came harder and father than the last. He got a rhythm down then.
"Your pussy is so hot. God you feel so terrific. You feel fuckin' great."
The forced silence got to me, and I had to say something. I figured he was too far gone to be keeping me to the terms, so I spoke. "So do you. You're so hard..." He pulled my head back, and I moaned in pain and pleasure.
"Did I ask you to talk slut? Did I give you permission to speak or make ANY noise?" He withdrew his dick. "I warned you, you'd be punished. Now I guess the little bitch doesn't get fucked." He went back to jacking his cock, smiling all the way. "Unless...you beg for it. Yeah, sluts like you are always begging for it. And remember, I can get off by fucking your face. You can't cum until I LET you. So what's it gonna be?" He knelt beside me, pulling my hair, and kissing me hard, bruising my mouth. He whispered in my ear "Now, let me hear you beg." His hand approached my pussy, and just the heat from his skin caused my clit to ache with longing.
"Please. Please fuck me."
"Fuck you like...."
"Please fuck me like the slut I am. I need it, I need it bad."
"You need what bad baby?"
"Your cock."
"You got it." With that, he pushed me face first on the bed, and started fucking me again, bent over, kissing my back and grabbing my tits. "Play with your clit." My fingers reached down between my legs, and started rolling my clit between them. After only a minute of his hard strokes, and my own fingers, I started to shudder. He leaned over and nipped my ear. "Are you going to cum?" I could barely nod with the anticipation of it.
"Let me hear it. I wanna hear you cum LOUD. Got it?" He thrust harder and deeper, and I felt the warmth in my cunt trying to spill out of me. I whined, and whimpered and when I came, I moaned and screamed so loudly I was sure they heard me in the next house. He withdrew and brought me to my feet. He lay me on the bed, face down again, with my feet hanging over the edge. He stood beside it, wrapped my legs around his waist, and told me how he was going to fuck me. My arms braced my body on the bed. He was slowly entering me, and then withdrew, just as slowly. He was driving me crazy, not even giving me enough time to come down from that first earth shattering orgasm. Then he started to spank me.
"Oh yeah honey. This is good. You love it rough." That wasn't a question, it was a statement, so I didn't answer, although I thought that the answer was obvious. He began fucking me faster and faster, spanking me in between thrusts. My cunt was getting hotter again, as I felt another orgasm coming. "Oh my God," I moaned, not caring about anything now. "I'm going to cum again."
"So shut up about it and do it." he panted, his own orgasm building up. I moaned again as I came, harder and hotter than the last one. As my arms gave way, he dropped my legs and I slid to the ground. He grabbed my head by the hair again.
"Swallow me whore." His hand was pumping his dick, and he forced my head onto it. I didn't have time to think as hot jets of cum spurted out and hit the back of my throat. All I could do was swallow what he gave me. When he was done, he lightly tapped my face.
"Thanks for the fun." And just like that, he was gone.
And I didn't even get his name.

Fantasized by Angell at 5:14 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with bondage, dom/sub, erotic fiction, how the hell did you get in here, original fiction, strangers
Dance Floor
After rocking the house down all night, the band finally slid into a slow song. You hold your hand out to me in a silent invitation, and I accept, allowing you to lead me back onto the dance floor.
Within seconds, I recognize it as “Cry Little Sister” from the Lost Boys soundtrack (a HIGHLY underrated song if you ask me). We start off barely moving, your hands resting on my waist, my arms around your neck, like we’re in the fifth grade. As the song moves along, the singers voice is husky and gritty and it seems we’re powerless to stop ourselves as the rhythm takes over. My hands start to caress the back of your neck, and your fingers trail down my waist to my hips, and then, after lingering for a mere second, move slowly down my thighs. My skin feels like it’s on fire and I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning.
I slowly let my fingers move across your neck, down your back and around to your biceps. I lean into you, my hips starting to grind against yours, feeling you get hard. Your hands reach around to my ass and you pull me in tight. The bass is coursing through our bodies as we gyrate in time to the music. The music gets louder, and the crowd realizes that there’s something happening, and they all stop what they’re doing to watch the spectacle we’re making.
You dip me backwards, following my body down with yours. Your breath is hot on my neck, your lips inches away from mine. Your right hand entangles in my hair and you pull me up roughly, and kiss me passionately. I can feel your left hand caressing my thigh and my hands follow your example and come up to entangle in your soft hair. I moan against your mouth, no longer caring if everyone in the club is watching. Your tongue plays with mine, brushing up against my teeth and tracing a moist map around my lips.
The lead singers voice is echoing in my head, competing in volume with the pounding of my heart. My body is moving instinctively to the music, moving in ways it hasn’t in a long time. Sliding, winding, shimmering, twirling – I move around you like a woman possessed. You dip me again, this time quick and sharp, bringing my right leg up to your side in a move that I’ve only seen in Dirty Dancing. It leaves me off balance and unsteady.
My hands grasp your shoulders for balance, and I rub up against you, torturing you, feeling your hard on strain against its denim prison. You look deep into my eyes, your gaze smouldering, telling me exactly what you want from me, and exactly how far you’re willing to go to get it.
My breath catches in my throat, my pulse beating wildly. You slither down my body like a cobra, and when you come back up you grasp me under my butt and lift me into the air. My hair cascades over my face like a waterfall, and you spin me around. With that movement, no one notices that my buttons have popped open mysteriously, or that your face is buried in my clevage, your mouth moving down towards my breasts. You tongue my nipples through my bra, and I throw my head back in ecstasy.
You bring me down slowly, as the music comes to an end. The crowd whistles and applauds their appreciation for the erotic display. Blushing, I fumble with my buttons. But you are the perfect picture of cool, and you throw your arm around my shoulders, pulling my chest into you, and we walk off the dance floor, out of the club, and into the night to finish what was started.

Fantasized by Angell at 5:09 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with dancing can be the best sex ever, erotic fiction, original fiction
Starting in silence.
Swollen lips trailing,
Pursing, nibbling,
Soft moans escape
Hands carressing,
Squeezing, pinching,
Hot, wet, moist kisses
Fully hard,
Fully hot
Rubbing, stroking,
Sinking to the ground
Mouth sucking, tugging,
Licking, fingering,
Bodies entwined
Soaked, slippery,
Hot, wet, moist pussy
Thrusting, rocking,
Desperate to cum
Needing, pounding
Frantic, anxious
Riding, screaming
©Miz Angell 2006

Fantasized by Angell at 4:58 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with I wish this was my usual friday night, original poetry
Party for Two - picnic anyone?
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Fantasized by Angell at 4:51 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with backstage access, erotic fiction, original fiction, picnic tables aren't just for eating on, security guards