Wow. It's been a long time since I've posted. In fact, I seem to have neglected this blog altogether. I'm so sorry.
I won't bore you to death with tales of writers block and shit happening at home. I will say that I've made lifestyle changes, for the better. Hopefully more good things will follow.
In the meantime, I figured I'd post something - anything - that was creative and in the erotica vein.
I don't have anything complete, but what I do have are a bunch of WIP's (works in progress for you non-writer types).
Sooooo, in order for me to not feel like a total failure, I'm going to post one of those.
Let me know what you think.
Tonight, I wanted you.
Shamefully, embarrassingly, desperately wanted you. I know I shouldn't, for so very many reasons. But then again, I've never been one to pay attention to rules, let alone play by them.
I wanted your attention. I was a whore for it. I dressed the part - short, flirty skirt with knee high fuck-me boots. Holey sweater with tight glittered tank beneath. Red - festive.
Glittery eyes - black and red. The night's theme.
Laughter throughout the night. Side glances down the table. Comments and innuendos, playful, flirty, fraught with meaning, hints.
Whipped cream on my coffee, lifted by a scarlet tipped finger, sucked into glossy lips and a promising smile.
Did you notice? Were you aware of me as I was of you, when I grabbed your arm and leaned in a little closer than normal? Could you smell my arousal, my thighs slick under my skirt? My black and red thong was no help against the rush of lust that coated my skin. Simply because you were near.
Had it been you driving me home, would I have made it there? I was drunk. But not so much so that I wouldn't have known what I was doing. That what I was doing wasn't what I wanted.
I would have dragged you to me, tasting smoke and beer on your lips. Pressed my body to yours. In my heels, I was almost your height.
Would you have read the signs? Could you tell that a tilt of my head, leaving my neck exposed is an invitation to nibble, or lick? Would we have moved to the backseat, where we could shed some winter layers, lying skin to skin? Or would we just have made out in the parking lot like two horny teenagers who couldn't get enough?
Or would it have been worth the speeding ticket to get me to your place, into your bed, where you could have me, how you wanted me, whichever way you wanted?
And will it still be there tomorrow, I wonder as I lay in bed, my hand drifting down to stroke my smooth lips, slipping into myself as I picture your smile, and hear your voice. Would the lust still fill me with a want so hot that it burned me from the inside out?
My fingers lightly pet my sensitive clit, the sensations beginning already.
Liquid courage.
What happens when the drink wears off - but the want is still there?
Too many places to hide.
No place to hide for long.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
HOLY HELL - has it been that long....

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 8:49 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with erotic, erotica, lost and found, work in progress
Friday, September 18, 2015
YAY - A writing challenge you can see through...
Ms. Tyler, our lovely Alison, issued us a challenge this week, based on a query from the fabulous Nancy.
First, we answered her weekly Trollop With A Question (this is number 74 and they've all been fantastic and thought inducing. Go catch up if you haven't been keeping up.)
This week's question was interesting in and of itself, because it involved an item I've rarely worn, and therefore never had much cause to think about.
How many ways are there to wear sheer stockings?
And after we answered that, she challenged us to write her a flasher on that very subject.
It's been awhile since we've had one of Alison's writing prompts, and I was happy to comply with this.
So, here is my contribution.
Please enjoy. And if you get the chance, take on the challenge yourself.

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 7:02 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with 100-word challenge, Alison Tyler, flash challenge, flash fiction, French stockings, sheer stockings, Trollop on the Street, Trollop with a Laptop, Trollop with a Question, writing challenge
Friday, August 21, 2015
We have winners!
With the way this blog has been going lately, I'm going to say that having four people comment is definitely a win!
Thank you to all who visited during this time. I'm sure there was more than one newbie and I hope that I can keep up posting so you'll have something semi-interesting to read from me.
In case you're late to the party, I hosted a writing prompt challenge. The prize? An e-book copy of Alison Tyler's Alison After Dark.
(On a side note, does anyone have any idea why we post email addy's like that in blogs? I just saw others doing it and figured that's the way it's done *shrug*)

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 6:45 AM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison After Dark, Alison Tyler, contest, five winners, four out of five ain't bad, writing prompts
Saturday, August 15, 2015
I'm Giving Out Sex!
Well, not for real. Although, now that I think about it, it would spice things up in what has been a boring six months. Hmmmm.....
No, what I am giving away is five e-book copies of Alison Tyler's sultry, sinfully fun compilation Alison After Dark.
If you check here, Alison said that she'd like to sell ten copies this week. I already own one, but I figured I'd help a lady out.
Alison is fabulous about supporting indie authors, pimping them out on her blog, commenting on posts and tweeting about them non-stop. She edits, writes, sends cheery gifts through the mail and is altogether too sweet for reality to those who are fortunate enough to know her.
Myself, I've been at a bit of a standstill when it comes to writing. Reality is exhausting and the brain just wants to shut down at the end of the day. So I let it, when I should really be unburdening my shoulders and letting it out on the page. It's not just therapy, it's an extension of myself, and when I don't do it, I feel heavy and tired and just altogether miserable.
So, in an effort to start writing again, I'll give a copy of this amazing book to five commenters in exchange for unusual writing prompts.
They don't necessarily have to be erotic in nature, although it is my chosen genre. But stepping outside my box wouldn't be so bad.
So, brother, can you spare an idea or two? Send 'em my way, and get some grade A smut-a-licious reading material in return. (And full props if anything comes from the prompts of course - I love to give credit where credit is due!)

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 7:55 PM 4 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison After Dark, Alison Tyler, five winners, free smut, giveaway copies, writing prompts
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Dropping in to say AARRRGGGHHHH!
Nothing sexy in today's entry.
Ever have one of those days where you know what you need to do, have a list and everything, and yet your brain says "Nope. Sorry. Coffee break. Catch me after."
And it's a never-ending coffee break?
Yeah that's me today.
I need to do some research on vitamins and supplements. You know, because I'm getting older and my brain is taking way too many coffee breaks these days.
I also need to try and eat better. Which means a meal plan. But I need to do it on a budget. And I'd like to be able to prep ahead of time. Which equals food that freezes well.
I have at least three books I'm reading right now, and another dozen I owe reviews on. Not to mention calls I'd like to submit for.
On top of ALL of that - I need to find another job. One where I can make grown up money. One where I'm not the only woman in a group of juvenile testosterone-laden men who seem to forget I'm there half the time. One where I can be creative and make a difference, and have fun and enjoy working. One where I wake up most mornings looking forward to what the day is going to bring.
And yet....
"Sorry. Still on my coffee break."
I can't seem to fight it. A friend has called it mental exhaustion. I have no idea. I just know that my to-do list is growing, and my mental coffee break went from a fifteen to a dinner date.
So I'm staring at the boob-tube more hours than I care to admit. And nothing is getting accomplished. Except the days are passing by faster than I can count. And I'm worried that they'll all pass me by and all that I'll wind up with is the leftovers my brain brings back from it's dinner date.
And I hate leftovers.

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 8:39 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with eating clean, meal plans, mental exhaustion, new job, reading, reviews, submitting, vitamins, writing
Monday, February 9, 2015
Mixing and Matching Music
If any of you have ever been over to Alison Tyler's blog - you know she's all about da bass.
Ok, maybe not. But she is all about all things music. She's constantly quoting songs, revealing what she's listening to, recommending artists and sharing memories and stories behind some of her favourite tunes.
She also is a HUGE fan of mixed tapes. As am I.
Currently I have 8,352 songs on my iPod. And am adding more daily. All kinds of songs - Broadway tunes, movie soundtracks, country, rock, metal, jazz - even comedy.
Back on January 19, Alison posted an entry called Make Your Mixed Tape. And it got me thinking.
There are at least a dozen variations on the mixed tape.
- I want you but I shouldn't want you
- You're mine and I'm so happy about that
- I love you but I shouldn't love you
- You love me but I don't love you and this is to let you know that we're just friends
- I used to love you but I let you go and now I hate myself
- You're my best friend
Etc, etc.
You get what I mean.
So I started thinking. What songs would I want someone to put on a mixed tape for ME, if I had my choice? What songs in my library would curl my toes in a good way?
It's been forever since someone made me a mixed tape. And these days, well, you can make a mixed "tape" out of anything. You can email a file, you can put it on a memory stick, you can put together a litany of youtube videos and send the link. Or, you could go old school. But what would they play it on?
I figured I'd do a few of these lists as I love to mix and match.
So the first list.
I LOVE YOU BUT I SHOULDN'T (From him to her)
Out of the over 8,000 songs on my iPod, these are twenty-five of the dozens that fit this category. Some you'll know, some you won't. So I've managed to link them all to youtube.
WARNING: they're all kind of schmaltzy, but hey, I like schmaltz. Also, there is a history behind some of these songs, and others have been - and will be - used as inspiration for future writings. But that's good right? Inspiration abounds....
Time by Mikky Ekko
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
Make You Feel My Love by Adele
Waiting for a Girl Like You by Foreigner
Try by Blue Rodeo
Shameless by Garth Brooks
Making Memories of Us by Keith Urban
Need You Now by Lady Antebellum
Come On Get Higher by Matt Nathanson
One More Night by Phil Collins
Never Tear Us Apart by INXS
The Other Man by Sloan
The Love I Meant to Say by Jeremy Jordan
Something by Jim Sturgess
Lips of An Angel by Hinder
I Should Go by Levi Kreis
Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
Fool For You by Colin James
In Too Deep by Phil Collins
More than Words by Extreme
Far Away by Nickleback (**will probably get hell for this one but I don't care - I LOVE this song**)
Come What May by Ewan Macgregor and Nicole Kidman
Just Remember by Chad LaMarsh
We've Got Tonight by Lea Michele and Cory Monteith (I KNOW I KNOW Bob Seger is the original singer of this but I DO love this version)
So what would YOUR suggestions be for this list? Any bone melters that you wish someone would dedicate to you?
PSST - image found at

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 9:32 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Alison Tyler, Blue Rodeo, I want you but I shouldn't, INXS, Jeremy Jordan, Jim Sturgess, Keane, Levi Kreis, Mikky Ekko, mixed tape, Snow Patrol
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Calling all UK Smutters! Smutluton 2015 is approaching
Smut Luton 7th March 2015

We’ve got readings from Lucy Felthouse, Jennifer Denys, Charlotte Howard, Bella Settara, Charlie J Forrest, Meg Philip, Anna Sky, Cara Sutra and Victoria Blisse that are sure to tempt and tease.
Pick up your tickets at and join the facebook event to keep up with all the event news.

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 8:39 PM 0 horny thoughts
Fucking with Bedfordshire, Kinkification, March 7 2015, Smutluton, Smutty Social Get Together, The Hat Factory, Victoria Blisse
Monday, January 5, 2015
WELCOME TO A NEW ...something anyway.
Ok, so it IS 2015. And it IS the time of year where we all say that we're going to be good to ourselves - it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new LIIIIIFFFEEE...
*sheepish grin* Sorry for the shattered windows.
Anyway, you get what I mean. Everyone's resolutions usually involve eating healthier (check), working out more (check), getting more done as far as work goes (check), etc. etc. etc.
Every year, for the last twenty, I've been setting (and failing at) the same damn goals: lose weight, be healthier, have more fun, save more money.
This year, I didn't make those resolutions. This year, I made one resolution: to do one thing per day, better than the day before, that will bring me closer to my goals. Whether it's eating a healthier meal than I did the day before, or doing one more load of laundry that wouldn't have gotten done, or writing that next chapter. Just one small thing to make my life better, and as a result, the lives better of those around me. Because a better life for me, means a happier me, which means happier people around me. And I'm not going to beat myself up if I fail at it one day.
Make sense? I hope so.
Baby steps, as one of my besties is fond of reminding me.
So, for you, my friends and readers, I wish you successful baby steps. And let's make 2015 the year we knock that shit out of the park.
X's and O's to my hotties and heaux.

Fantasized by Miz Angell at 12:36 PM 4 horny thoughts
Fucking with baby steps, be good to yourself, better life, Happy New Year, new years resolutions